IIEC Recent News
Update on APUEA Activities
In the third issue of the APUEA Magazine, it includes smart green buildings and an introduction to the green development of a new city and learning on how smarter cities is a part of the future. It also presents a digital roadmap for district energy and looks into how sustainable urban growth can be achieved. The Magazine provides an Energy Outlook of Bangkok, being one of the megacities in the Asia Pacific and updates on recent APUEA activities.
Read the full APUEA Magazine at: www.apuea.org/index.php/magazine
The APUEA is an initiative of the International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC) that promotes the development of sustainable Urban Energy Systems in the Asia Pacific region. The APUEA platform promotes public and private sector collaboration to develop sustainable urban energy systems that support livable cities across the Asia Pacific region. The Association's online portal serves as an information hub to support city policymakers, program managers, and other stakeholders in the design, development, and implementation of sustainable urban energy systems. Through this portal, APUEA events, conferences, and continuous outreach to its members, the Association shares international and regional best practices for planning and implementing sustainable urban energy systems—including policies and regulations, business models, and technologies for implementing district heating and cooling, smart grids, energy efficiency improvements, and renewable energy systems.
An APUEA membership will provide a unique opportunity to liaise with governmental agencies and important stakeholders and get access to valuable information and intelligence on urban energy developments, business opportunities, trends, and financing in one of the fastest growing energy and infrastructure markets in the world. Membership benefits include a marketing platform, newsletters, APUEA Magazine, Annual Publications, Annual General Meeting including Trade Exhibition and Direct Assistance.
For more information about APUEA and how to become a member, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit www.apuea.org.