IIEC Recent News
IIEC Opens Call for Proposals to Support Demonstration of Innovative Technologies and Business Models for Efficient and Clean Cooling in the Pacific
The Demonstration of Innovative Technology and Business Model for Efficient and Clean Cooling in the Pacific project (Cooling Demo Project), funded by the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program (K-CEP) and implemented by IIEC is seeking high quality proposals to support demonstration of innovative efficient and clean cooling technologies and business models in the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs). The Cooling Demo project will provide financial support and technical assistance to these demonstrations to mitigate barriers pertaining to initial investment costs and knowledge which constraint greater adoption of efficient and clean cooling in the Pacific.
Proposals for grant and technical assistance for Cooling Demo Projects are due on Tuesday, April 30th, 2019, by 6pm, U.S. Pacific time (GMT -7). **Deadline has been EXTENDED to May 12th, 2019.** Such demonstrations must include actual installation and operation of efficient and clean cooling technologies, or adoption of business models. Government agencies, authorities, private companies and NGOs are eligible to apply for the financial and technical assistance available from this project. This project aims to enhance awareness and knowledge of policy makers and private sector organizations in PICTs on innovative technologies and business models for efficient and clean cooling applications in commercial, retail, agricultural and government sector. It is hoped that this enhanced awareness and knowledge can help Pacific Islands to adopt such technologies as well as the policies and financial mechanisms that help their adoption.
Please visit the Cooling Demo Project website at http://iiec.org/coolingdemo for more information about the project and guideline for submission of proposals for grant and technical assistance under this project.
Remark: SAN FRANCISCO - August 24, 2021 – ClimateWorks Foundation announced that the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program (K-CEP) has changed its name to the Clean Cooling Collaborative.