IIEC Recent News
Stakeholder Engagement Workshop on Standard Offer Programme in India
The IIEC and Renewable Energy Agency of Puducherry (REAP) jointly organized a workshop on “Standard Offer: A programmatic approach for utilizing energy efficiency as a resource” on 12th April 2013 in Puducherry, India, as part of the Standard Offer Programme (SOP) – funded by the Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation.
The workshop presented preliminary analysis of various energy efficiency interventions that could be scaled up through a standard offer program, leading to the objective of eliciting the participation and support of the state agencies in the program.
The Chief Guest for the workshop was Mr.T. Thiagarajan, Honorable Minister of Puducherry for Environment, Power and Science and Technology. Other dignitaries were Mr. Pankaj Kumar Jha, Managing Director of REAP ; and Chief Engineer from the Electricity Department of Puducherry. Dr. Nitin Pandit, President of IIEC introduced the topic of the Workshop and Mr. Chinmaya Acharya, Chief of Programmes of Shakti Foundation provided overview of the Foundation’s activities.
About 60 representatives attended the workshop from the hotel industry, construction business, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Public Works Department (PWD), Electricity Department, REAP officers and Puducherry Municipal Corporation.
The workshop concluded after the Question & Answer session and comments from Mr. Pankaj Kumar Jha. He assured full cooperation in setting up an SOP in Puducherry. He said that 8,000 streetlights in Puducherry account for an energy bill of about Rs. 1.5 crores (US$ 0.3 Million), and this sector alone had good scope for energy conservation. He also mentioned that Puducherry is planning to set up an ‘Green Energy Fund’ by levying access on the electricity tariff and utilize the accumulated funds potentially through an SOP for promotion of energy efficiency and renewable energy in the Union Territory of Puducherry.
Anil Kumar (IIEC) Provided an Introduction of Standard Offer Programme in the Workshop,
held on April12, 2013, in Puducherry, India
For further information, please contact Nitin Pandit - npandit@iiec.org