Capacity Building for Energy Efficiency and Cleaner Production Financing in Indian MSMEs

In the framework of the Financial Cooperation between India and Germany, German KfW banking group has extended lines of credit (LoCs) for promoting energy efficiency (EE) credit line and clean production (CP) to the Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI).


The lines of credit (worth a total of EUR 88.5 million) are targeted for investment loans for EE and CP measures in existing micro, small, and medium industrial enterprises (MSME) in India. The consulting consortium of International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC), Adelphi Consult (Adelphi), and Triodos Facet Consulting (Triodos) were contracted by KfW/SIDBI to provide Technical Assistance to both the credit lines. The aim was to assist SIDBI and potential clients of the credit lines in identifying, planning, evaluating and implementing investments eligible under the two credit lines and capacity building of Energy Efficiency Centre (EEC) and Branch officers of SIDBI on KfW LoCs and aspects of EE and CP.


Overall, about 25 officers of SIDBI at various positions of management and operations of SIDBI were trained. In their feedback they have expressed that they are now confident to examine the proposals received from their respective branches.


For more information, please contact Anil Kumar -